Dr. Shayna Minosky (formerly Rusticus) started with KPU as a sessional instructor in May 2014 and became a regular full-time faculty member in September 2016. Dr. Minosky completed her undergraduate degree at KPU (then Kwantlen University College) in 2003. She graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Arts (BAA) in Psychology. From there, she went to UBC, where she completed her Master’s (2005) and PhD (2010) in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology. She also completed a two-year post-doctorate with the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) at UBC and then two years with the Department of Physical Therapy on an evaluation project related to evidence-informed health care.
Prior to working full-time with KPU, Dr. Minosky worked for 8 years as a Statistical Analyst for the Evaluation Studies Unit within UBC’s Faculty of Medicine (and still continues to work there on a casual basis). She has also taught as a sessional instructor for over 10 years in the Faculty of Education and School of Social Work at UBC.
Outside of her professional life, Dr. Minosky lives with her partner, three teenage children, cats Willow and Charlie, and dog Shadow, in New Westminster. She stays active through walking, hiking and weightlifting. She also has 10 years experience in mixed martial arts. Other hobbies she has are reading fantasy novels and crocheting (and other crafts).
At KPU, Dr. Minosky primarily teaches courses related to research methodology and statistics. The courses she has previously taught include:
PSYC 1100 – Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 2300 – Introduction to Statistics
PSYC 2400 – Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
PSYC 3400 – Applied Research I (Quantitative Methods)
PSYC 3960 – Program Evaluation
PSYC 4100 – Tests and Measurement
PSYC 4400 – Qualitative Research Methods
Dr. Rusticus has published in a variety of areas, including test development and validation, equivalence testing, learning environment, and body image. Her list of publications includes (*student co-authors).
Rusticus, S. A., *Pashatoon, T., *Mah, A. (in press). What are the key elements of a positive learning environment? Perspectives from students and faculty. Learning Environments Research.
*Justus, B. J., Rusticus, S. A., & *Stobbe, B. (2022). Does self-directed learning readiness predict undergraduate students’ instructional preferences? The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(1), https://doi.org/10.5206/cjsotlrcacea.2022.1.10879.
Rusticus, S. A., & Albon, S. (2021). The Health Education Learning Environment Survey: Factor structure analysis with pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Advance online publication.
*Dumoulin, A. R., & Rusticus, S. A. (2021). Employable Skills Self-Efficacy Survey: A validation study. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/stl0000298
Rusticus, S. A., Wilson, D., Jarus, T., O’Flynn-Magee, K., & Albon, S. (2021). Exploring student perceptions of the learning environment in four health professions education programs. Learning Environments Research. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10984-021-09349-y
Gorvine, B., Rosengren, K., Stein, L., Biolsi, K., & Rusticus, S. (2020). Research methods in psychology: From theory to practice (Canadian edition). Oxford.
Rusticus, S. A., Wilson, D. Casiro, O., & Lovato, C. Y. (2020). Evaluating the quality of health professions learning environments: Development and validation of the Health Education Learning Environment Survey (HELES). Evaluation and the Health Professions, 43(3), 162-168. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163278719834339
*Field, A., & Rusticus, S. A. (2020). Impact of language on the expectations of individuals working with students on the autism spectrum. Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal, 2, 1-14. https://journals.kpu.ca/index.php/KPSJ/article/view/537
Dawes, D., Rusticus, S., Beck, C., Dawes, M., Mortenson, B., Ross, C., & Greig, A. (2020). Development of five online modules for teaching evidence-informed healthcare: The West coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED) Project. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, bmjebm-2020-111399. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjebm-2020-111399
Rusticus, S. A. & *Justus, B. (2019). Comparing student- and teacher-formed teams on group dynamics, satisfaction, and performance. Small-Group Research, 50(4), 443–457. https://doi.org/10.1177/1046496419854520
*Justus, B. J., & Rusticus, S. A. (2019). Can talking to myself help me win? The impact of two dimensions of self-talk on video game performance. Kwantlen Psychology Student Journal, 1, Rusticus, S. A., Eva, K. W, & Peterson, L. N. (2018). Construct-aligned rating scales improve the reliability of program evaluation data. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 33, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.3138/cjpe.31094
Peterson, L. N., Rusticus, S. A., Eva, K. W., Wilson, D. A., Pittini, R. J., Schreiber, M., Pinchin, S. E., Moffat, S. L., Sargeant, J. M., Warren, A. E., & Alexiadis-Brown, P. (2017) Using the Readiness for Clerkship and Residency surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of four MD programs: A cross-institutional generalizability study. Academic Medicine, 92. https://doi.org/10.1097.ACM.0000000000001926
Rusticus, S. A., Peterson, L., & Lovato, C. Y. (2015) Increasing the utility of AAMC Graduation Questionnaire data for program evaluation: Subscale development. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. Retrieved from http://cjpe.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/cjpe/index.php/cjpe/article/view/224
Peterson, L. N., Rusticus, S. A., Derek W. A, Eva, K. W., & Lovato, C. Y. (2015). Readiness for Residency: A Survey to Evaluate Undergraduate Medical Education Programs. Academic Medicine, 90(11), 36-42. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000000903
Rusticus, S. A., & Eva, K. (2015). Defining equivalence in medical education research: Does a distribution-based approach work? Advances in Health Sciences Education, 21(2), 359-373. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-015-9633-x.
Peterson, L. N., Rusticus, S. A., & Ross, L. P. (2015). Comparability of the Comprehensive Clinical Science Exam and five NBME Clinical Science Subject Exams. Academic Medicine, 90(5), 684-690. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000000643.
Rusticus, S. A., Worthington, A., Wilson, D., Joughin, K. (2014). The Medical School Learning Environment Survey: An examination of its factor structure and relationship to student performance and satisfaction. Learning Environments Research, 17, 423-435. https://doi.org/10.1007/S10984-014-9167-9
Rusticus, S. A., & Lovato, C. Y. (2014). Impact of sample size, variability, and number of groups on the power of equivalence tests: A simulation study. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 19, 11. https://doi.org/10.7275/4s9m-4e81
Rusticus, S. A. (2014). Body image. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 420-423.
Rusticus, S. A. (2014). Content validity. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 1261-1262.
Peterson, L. N., Eva, K. W., Rusticus, S. A., & Lovato, C. Y. (2012) The readiness for clerkship survey: Can self-assessment data be used to evaluate program effectiveness? Academic Medicine, 87(10), 1355-1360. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182676c76
Worthington, A., Rusticus, S. A., Wilson, D., & Joughin, K. (2012, May). The “learning environment” predicts student satisfaction and performance at UBC. Education Matters, 19, 25.
Rusticus, S. A., & Lovato, C. Y. (2011). Applying Tests of Equivalence for Multiple Group Comparisons: Demonstration of the Confidence Interval Approach in a Medical Education Context. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 16, Available online: http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=16&n=7
Sabiston, C. M., Rusticus, S. A., Brunet, J., McDonough, M. H., Hadd, V., Hubley, A., & Crocker, P. R. E. (2010). Invariance test of the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire: Do women with breast cancer interpret this measure differently? Quality of Life Research, 19, 1171-1180. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-010-9680-y
Rusticus, S. A., Hubley, A. M., & Zumbo, B. M. (2008). Measurement Invariance of the Appearance Schemas Inventory-Revised and the Body Image Quality of Life Inventory across Age and Gender. Assessment, 15(1), 60-71. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191107306805
Rusticus, S. A., & Hubley, A. M. (2006). Measurement Invariance of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire: Can we compare across age and gender? Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 55(11-12), 827-842. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-006-9135-7